Crop Shredders | Second-Crop Corn Stover
Hay land replaced by cornfields could have hurt Brian Alff’s custom baling business in southwest Iowa. Instead, he adapted by adding corn stover baling to his services. His customers recognize the value of harvesting a second crop of what was once considered waste. Alff has learned that using the right equipment makes baling more efficient […]
Grain Bagging | Progressive Farmer: To Bag Or Not To Bag?
That’s the question for farmers who need temporary grain storage quickly. John Peterson would rather have permanent grain storage. But grain bags suit his needs just fine for now. Peterson and his father, Steve, farm about 1,500 acres of corn and soybeans near Wakonda, S.D. Five years ago, harvest found them with more grain than […]
Grain Bagging | Reuters: U.S. grain farmers resort to giant storage bags to avoid cheap sales
As U.S. farmers turn in record grain crops this autumn, many will have a powerful new tool – giant sausage-shaped storage bags – to help them avoid the lowest prices in years and gain more control over trade with giants such as Cargill Inc. Demand has surged this summer for the white polyethylene bags the […]
Grain Bagging | Dakota Farmer: Grain Bagging Tips
Craig Fisher, Richardton, N.D., and John Anderson, Clifford, N.D., have learned a trick or two about using grain bags. Both use grain bags extensively. Their top tips for bagging grain successfully include: If you plan to buy a bagger, visit a farm and see how they work. Fisher says Loftness – one of several grain […]
Grain Bagging | Feed & Grain: Thinking Outside the Bin
As farming operations grow larger and yields continue their climb higher, many commercial grain facilities are faced with the challenge of handling higher volumes. In a lot of cases, the only solution is to pile grain on the ground, due to a lack of fixed storage. However, one South Dakota co-op, tired of dealing with […]
Kwik-Trim | Utility Products: A Helpful Solution to Trimming Trees Along Utility Line Right of Ways.
For many years, vegetation management contractors have struggled to find a good solution for trimming trees along utility line rights of way. Most will admit the old-fashioned practices of climbing trees and using bucket trucks are time consuming and somewhat dangerous. The central division of Wright Tree Service, however, seems to be one of the […]
Kwik-Trim | Transmission & Distribution World: Compact Trimmer Speeds Work on Right-of-Way.
Westar Energy, like many other electric utilities, is always looking for ways to get through more miles at a lower cost when it comes to vegetation management. This was especially important on a recent project in which the utility had to trim 1,900 miles of distribution right-of-way. Much of the contract included areas that were […]
Grain Bagging | Ag Web: Record Harvest Equals Storage Snarls, Wide Basis.
Record crops and transportation bottlenecks are straining the nation’s grain storage system in ways it hasn’t seen in nearly a decade. That adds up to a lot of grain with nowhere to go and is hitting farmers through the double whammy of low grain prices and wide basis. The problem is particularly acute in the […]
Kwik-Trim | Electric Energy Online: Michigan tree trimmer uses compact equipment for distribution rights-of-way.
When it comes to clearing the strips of land along utility lines, or the rights-of-way, many contractors have struggled to find an efficient method of trimming trees. For open areas, manufacturers have developed large-scale mechanical trimmers equipped with saw blades mounted on long booms. But for distribution lines in metropolitan areas and other confined spaces, […]
Kwik-Trim | Utility Products: In a Tight Spot
Michigan tree trimmer uses compact equipment for distribution rights-of-way. When clearing the strips of land along utility lines, or the rights-of-way, many contractors have struggled to find an efficient method of tree trimming. For open areas, manufacturers have developed large-scale mechanical trimmers equipped with saw blades mounted on long booms. But, for distribution lines in […]